Burmese Ceremonial Bowl
Worked in high-relief repousse. It is decorated with scenes taken from the U-Thein-Na legend: a Burmese story celebrating the taming of wild elephants with the soothing melodies of the Burmese harp. Early 20th Century
Fluted panels
Alternating with open-work floral bands exhibit the fine artistry of Shan silversmithing of the 1920s.
Ceremonial Bowl
Executed in the rarely-seen Middle Burma style, this open-worked Ceremonial Bowl narrates scenes from the Vesantara Jataka. Dated 1928
Ceremonial Betel Nut Box
Exquisitely crafted Ceremonial Betel Nut Box on a 5-legged footed pedestal topped with a celestial figure cast in solid silver. Elaborate scenes on sides, cover and base are taken from the Suvanasena Jataka. Early 20th Century
Ceremonial Bowl
The birth of Prince Siddhartha Gautama, depicted in high-relief repousse. Ceremonial Bowl dates back to early 20th Century